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Any parent who names their daughter Wendy do not realise they are cursing their daughter.
All women named Wendy are narrow minded and will often become religious extremists, racists, bigots and xenophobes.
All Wendy's will have mental illness that has caused them to fall into a complete psychosis a few times in their lives; most will have been admitted to the psychiatric unit of public hospital (usually under police orders).
Those named Wendy believe themselves to be tellers of prophecy.

The last Wendy I knew would tell me, with all her conviction, that she believes Jesus is going to return before she dies.

by G30rg3.L.45 March 14, 2024


Minor Attracted Pedophile Scum

You will find people using "MAP" (minor attracted pedophile) or "MAPS" on their social media profiles or as a descriptive for their "sexuality" in order to try and make their sick, vile perversions sound more socially acceptable.
They most commonly call themselves "minor attracted person" and think they are a minority that should be linked with the LGBTQI.
(The LGBTQI want zero association/link to pedophiles and have been very loud and clear that MAPS will ever be included to the rainbow community).
MAPS by any other name are still pedophile scum who should be chemically castrated, implanted with tracking devices and kept separate from the rest of society.

Cardinal George Pell was a Minor Attracted Pedophile Scum (MAPS)

by G30rg3.L.45 March 14, 2024