Unrefined crude oil. The by-product of dinosaurs rotting for millions of years underground.
Petroleum is the formal name for unrefined fossil fuel.
400👍 144👎
Obsessive Dick Disorder.
A mental affliction commonly found in hoplophobes, causing an irrational need to constantly think about gun ownersâ dicks. Advanced stages even lead to being unable to stop talking about the dicks of gun owners, in great detail. This condition can be alleviated through a daily dose of rational and critical thinking.
Normal person: So I just bought a gun.
Normal person: â¦What?
Normal person: Have you been tested for ODD? You REALLY shouldâ¦
A small town in Michigan, which happens to be the true hometown of Michael Moore; despite his claims that he is from Flint. In reality Flint Michigan is roughly as far away from Davidson as South Central is from Beverly Hills.
Davidson is a small town in Michigan. People tend to clam up when asked about Michael Moore.
258👍 91👎
TV spelled out phonetically. Used by morons who apparently aren't aware that TV isn't a word, it's an abbreviation for the word television.
"On your paper here, you wrote "teevee". Why did you spell it that way?"
"Herp derp isn't that how it's spelled?"
"(facepalm)...No. It's just spelled TV. The letter T, then the letter V. That's it."
96👍 13👎
A diet and/or lifestyle that promotes not using any animal products or byproducts.
The vegan diet and lifestyle are both impossible to follow to the fullest, so most vegans tend to stop when it becomes inconvenient. For example, animal products are used to vulcanize rubber and process steel. So a true vegan would be forced to shun most anything found in an industrialized nation, notably things such as cars, buses, airplanes and bicycles. Also, the vegan diet does not and cannot supply vitamin B12, as this essential vitamin only comes from meat and dairy. So a vegan must either take vitamin supplements, (which one way or another come from an animal) give up the diet altogether, or face B12 deficiency; which can cause brain damage.
Generally, vegans tend to ignore such glaring contractions and problems, preaching that they are the moral elite; even if they happen to be wearing leather shoes.
Veganism may be well intentioned, but it's undeniably flawed.
335👍 249👎
Hero of the US Civil War. Best known for his march through Georgia, where he gave the rebel south exactly what it fucking deserved.
Have you heard the song "Marching Through Georgia"? It commemorates the brave hero General William T. Sherman.
221👍 67👎
A play about a bunch of self-obsessed jackasses who whine about not having any money for food, heat, or rent while simultaneously whining about how they're too good to get jobs to support themselves. The supposed 'villain' of the play is the one guy who goes out, gets a job and--get this--has the nerve to SELL the building that they live in just because they haven't paid their rent in a year and they've turned the building into a drug distribution center/whorehouse/flophouse for the homeless, even though he was only letting them stay there at drastically reduced rent out of the goodness of his heart and for the sake of their friendship.
This play is very popular with young, pretentious assholes.
Have you seen RENT? It's life changing.
Yeah I saw it. Since when is getting a job and using protection during sex a bad thing?
129👍 64👎