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In reference to the show Oz, something that couldn't possible be more gay if they were trying, despite the fact that being gay is not what they are trying for at all.

Don't you think Cirque du Soleil is a bit ozzy?

by GBodhisattva July 10, 2009

1👍 8👎


A philosophical revelation that can only be felt and not expressed by any other word than O because it also happens to be a circle. It is the realisation of the entirety of the universe and existence that comes in form so breath-takingly simple it is almost always followed by the audible utterance, "Oh!" Symptoms include, fear, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, and a loss of all ambition, drive and desire including the desire to live. Can also be symptomatic of peace, joy, contentment and renewed desire to live life to it's fullest finally understanding that it is finite yet infinite, both and neither, and that the wave function didn't collapse it just pretended to because it thought that was what we wanted. It is different yet the same as enlightenment, it's like enlightenment X, edgier and more dangerous, scientific yet mystical, and just a little bit crazy.

That Radiohead video "Just"..... poor man.

"What is it?"
"I can't tell you."

by GBodhisattva July 11, 2009

109👍 20👎