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If you know a person named craig, let's be honest... They smell like hippo feces. Craigs are severely overweight and insecure about themselves. He doesn't meet the height requirements for a lot of the rides at Disneyland, but he exceeds the weight limit by a good margin. He believes he can pull any girl, but cries in a corner when no girl wants to kiss him at a party. A key attribute Craig's have is FOMO, or fear of missing out. When he is not invited somewhere, beware... He WILL find your location and show up uninvited. During some scenarios, he'll break into your house. You won't see him wearing anything other than the same generic hoodie he wears everyday, which you can see his bulging stomach come out of. Most of the time, someone will flame the fuck out of craig and he will take it and accept the facts. However, if you make him really... REALLY mad, he will think of a shitty roast and try to use it against you. Unfortunately, Craig is too much of an L that even when he does thing of a half decent roast, you just laugh it off cause after all, it's craig trying to roast you, the biggest loner you know. His hobbies include flexing that he got invited somewhere so that his peers do not think he's a lonely fat fuck and taking floor shits. Next time you see a craig, say something nice or at least buy him a chapstick for his scaly lips or a toothbrush for his hot musty breath. He could use an act of kindness and a break from getting bodied everyday. Heรขย€ย™s a Jewish boy

Jeez dude you've gained like 300lbs, you can't let go of yourself like that, you're starting to look like craig

My girlfriend dumped me, I got kicked out of my house, and my fish died... I feel lonelier than craig

ew did a homeless man just shit on you? You almost smell as bad as craig

by GEEKONYABIT May 21, 2019

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