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The anticipation phase starts the moment after taking a pill and lasts for 20 minutes to an hour, whilst you're waiting for it to kick in. This can be an exciting phase as you know something magical is coming at any moment but you don't know exactly when. There may be glimpses of it but this may also be the mind playing tricks before it really starts. For the more seasoned pill taker this moment may actually be 1 of frustration as they want to be there immediately.

Guy 1 "You there yet?"
Guy 2 "Nah still in the anticipation stage."

by GF August 20, 2007

27πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

don't touch what you can't afford

What was once the ultimate put down. The strongest diss you could say to somebody who was annoying you by being physical with something you own.

Starting off with expensive things that other poor kids couldn't afford, this was a snobbish insult used by richer kids who had the flashest new gear and one of the poorer kids wanted to touch it as they could never afford somethign so extravagent. This was in fear of the poorer kids leaving germs or nits on the item leaving the richer kid fucked later on. This would put them in their place and the poor kids would know their place in society.

However, things started to get a bit out of hand circa 1997. The diss spread wildly across Britain's schools and soonn became used in day to day conversations heard in the playground; the cheaper the tackier the item the better the insult. It was a witty way of saaying "you're so poor that..." but without having to use the brainpower to think of an item and and it would leave people hurt inside.

Soon enough people found a way of responding to this comment which was to get your wallet out and show you have enough money to indeed afford the item, thus making the person who used it look silly and make their point completely void. Soon after this was discovered people stopped using it, and thus sending a classic diss to the history books along with "your mum gives head for bread" and other such insults.

Person 1 "Hey, Let me have a look at that pen."
Person 2 "Oi, don't touch what you can't afford!"
Person 1 "Damn...you didn't have to go there."

by GF February 16, 2007

43πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

swear down

A statement made to signify that what you speak is 100% the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Usually used when someone doesn't believe what you say, as it is bullshit, but this is used to try and make that person believe its true as its probably not.

What it actually means may derive from the old saying of "I swear on my mum's life!" which means absolutely nothing but some people think if that statement is said that they can't be lying.

"I swear down your honour, i didn't do it"

Nick: Did you know that Ahmed got arrested last night?
Keane: No he didn't.
Nick: Yeah man, swear down.

by GF November 30, 2006

315πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

you're sick you

scally term used to say that somebody has told you something really 'daring' or whatever even if it isn't really.

See some sick guy

"So i said to the copper you stupidswinehound"
"you're sick, you"

by GF June 10, 2005

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Crap Weasle

A person who digs through other peoples crap trying to find something of use, but usually ends up smelling like a pile of dung

"Wow, your child is quite the crap weasle!"

"I caught a crap weasle hanging out in my shitter"

"You smell like a crap weasle

by GF January 29, 2003

8πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A character in a story by Boyd Cable. Also one of the grestest insults in the English language.

"You swinehound! What do you think you're doing?!

by GF April 15, 2005

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

your mum on toast

A humerous and witty retort aimed at people who offend you using the popular slang "your mum" which can have deep and hurtful meanings to the receiver often resulting in them getting annoyed and wanting to fight.

This line asks the receiver to visualise their own mother ona slice of toast, often with side fillings such as cheese , the funnier more extreme the better.

"Your mum!"
"Yeh? well your fuckin mum on toast with cheese and lettuce smothered in tomato sauce!"

"hey dude you fuckin suck"
"Your mum on toast bitch"

by GF June 28, 2006

81πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž