Comedy that is popular amongst students. Sometimes is very avant-garde and ususally not funny at all.
Crap comedian "Is it me, or do all pensioners stink of piss?"
Student louts "Ha!!!!! He's so funny!!" "Now THAT'S alternative comedy at it's finest!"
Normal person "Jesus christ"
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A brand of weed killer closely associated with predox. It kills all known weeds with little trouble leaving you with a nice green garden.
"Those fucking weeds in the garden! Get the weedox!"
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Scally term used after just being told something quite ridiculous which another person had done. It can mean "Wow, that guys so cool" when most people would think "what a dick".
"So this guy pulled a knife out in broad daylight"
"some sick guy, man"
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One of those rare unique phrases which has no physical meaning however when uttered everyone in the vacinity knows what you mean.
Used in conjuction with something going wrong for somebody, usually as a result of your mischievous doing. Can be used with similar words like shell.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Blarted you beanhead!" yelled Shahzhad as Ahmed tripped over a stool on the floor. Unbeknown to Ahmed, Shahzad had planted this stool in a compromising juxtaposition with the door, a few minutes previously as he hear Ahmed marching forth from the great beyond. Then for no reason Shahzad said "Lung fainted over a lung" and chortled to himself and said blarted again a few more times.
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A term that describes an act done which is totally outlandish and unnacceptable.
"Mandems gatted at me" - Fadi
"Laddish beaviour" - Ahmed
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The result of a life time of eating too many chicken kebabs and playing tennis. If one has fat calves they are always in denial that they have fat calves and claim that it is just muscle, resulting in asking in a rather homo-erotic way to feel the calves to show they are not fat when they are clearly visibly fat.
Predox "Had a beltin chicken kebab last night from Abdul's"
Keane "I can tell, your calves are looking fatter than usual lad"
Predox "My calves are not fat you swine! Come here, feel them, I'll prove I don't have fat calves"
Keane "No thanks"
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Short for MDMA which in turn is short for Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. The most purest, cleanest chewmical in the world. Powdered form of the street drug ecstasy usually found in unclean, unpure pill form. Once you do this, you'll never wanr to touch another pull again. Swear down. However, it has a rather foul, vile taste, so is best taken wrapped in a rizla.
Guy 1 "Yo g you got any pills on ya?"
Guy 2 "Nah mate i don't do that shit, i got some MD though"
Guy 1 "Whats that?"
Guy 2 "The best thing you'll do in your life. Much better than cocaine
Guy 1 "Yeah man i'll try some"
Half an hour alter
Guy 1Nah man this is fuckin brilliant i'm never doin those awful pills again man!
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