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A low life person who does things that are shady, unnecessary and harsh. They will avoid helping even when they can and will throw people under the bus without provocation.

E.g.1. Dave is a maggot, he left the pub before his round
E.g.2. Greg is a complete maggot, he ate way more than his share of the donuts
E.g.3. While playing Fortnite they steal your loot or refuse to revive you "Frank! You are being well maggot!"
E.g.4. Tells your new gf an embarrassing story that they swore they never would reveal
E.g.5 Watches a film that you are really looking forward to and then deliberately spoils it for you

An action can be described as Maggot.
Repeated maggot behaviour is Maggotry.
You can be a maggot but also just occasionally do something that is described as maggot.

by GLAIB August 21, 2022