Source Code


1. A government contract, currently between a man and a woman, which creates a legal entity with legal rights bestowed upon it, as well as a government recognized tax status.

2. A contract that cannot be entered into legally without a government authorized license - See also Driver, Dog, Business, Liquor, Concealed Weapon, To Kill, etc.

3. A recognized legal status that may help a person become a citizen, assuming they can correctly tell an agent of the government what their wife wears to bed and if she hogs the covers or not.

4. The leading cause of divorce. (a precursor to divorce)(the first step to acquiring a divorce)

5. The result of Marrying.

6. Something begun with a license and a ceremony, and generally disolved with lawyers and judge, or by death.

7. A romantic notion of never-ending love. See also Fairy Tale

8. A ceremony that will have every detail planned, and way too much money spent, that will then transition into a possibly lifelong period that is given less advanced thought and/or financial planning.

Their marriage was begun in a church and ended in a court.

Their marriage ensured that they would be taxed at a lower rate than being single, but not as low as an LLC, LP, or Corp, which, unlike marriage, can only be entered into for legitimate purposes.

Their marriage was in question with the Department of Immigration and Naturalization Services, as he didn't seem to be the type of person an American girl would want to marry.

by GMoney2009 August 1, 2009

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