Source Code

splinter cell

One of the few true stealth games on the market. Popular, but still underrated really. Brought us something new for a change (Spy vs Merc multiplayer) and really fun co-op (Chaos Theory).

Casual gamers love to dispute over Splinter Cell and MGS. One popular argument being "he has 3 green lights on his head how can the dumb guards not see him?!". It is widely known that that is Sam's trademark, the guards don't actually see it. A better comparison might be Splinter Cell and Thief.

by GOERNR May 16, 2006

140πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

rolling stone

One of the worst magazines I've seen yet. Laughable content includes "Top 100 Guitarists ever" or, even worst, "Top 100 bands ever". Rather than base it on skill/performance/ect, Rolling Stone thought it would be much better to simply list every popular band from the 70s and earlier.

Rolling Stone editor> top 100 bands ever... ok ummm... the beatles... umm... the beatles... uhhhh... oh, and like, that band that did the song "stairway to heaven" or something. guys I don't know any other bands

Rolling Stone editor 2> dude, just put the beatles down

by GOERNR May 12, 2006

131πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

random bullet deviation

A bullshit method that's being used in more and more games that are out today. Rather than, gasp, having the bullets go where the crosshair is, game developers somehow think it's better that the bullets follow a completely random pattern around the crosshair instead of INSIDE the crosshair. Since the bullets don't actually go where there supposed to, it means that most firefights you get into mean zero skill, all luck. You might think shooting in small bursts that it would defeat this, but it actually ensues your death much quicker over a sprayer. Moving actually multiplies the deviation tenfold, making it near impossible to squeeze an accurate shot unless you're playing as a sniper.

Games that have random bullet deviation:
1. Battlefield 2
2. Counter-Strike
3. Day of Defeat: Source
4. Rainbow Six 3

Guy1> -sneaks up behind an enemy using a Thompson then fires a half a clip into his back-
Guy2> -turns around and sprays his weapon, getting a kill-
Guy1> WTF?

Guy1> -places his ironsights right on an enemys head, fires-
Guy2> -snipes Guy1 with an SMG-
Guy1> youve got to be shitting me, I hit him in the fucking head! fucking random bullet deviation ruins everything.

by GOERNR January 11, 2006

53πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Bench Press

the most overrated lift ever, particulary in the school scene. no one cares about anything but the bench press. to further pussify the lifting scene, teens wear specialized equipment called 'bench shirts' to further their lifts with false strength.

some skinny retarded jock> -puts on bench shirt, bench presses 200, takes off bench shirt, can only bench 150- GUYS I CAN BENCH 200 AND IM ONLY 15 LOL

by GOERNR April 24, 2006

207πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž

iced earth

One of the very few true metal bands out there. Even better ; they're very talented. CDs like Days of Purgatory and The Glorious Burden (Anyone who claims to be a fan of true metal should proudly own The Glorious Burden, downloaded or bought.) prove that. It isn't nu metal, and it definitely isn't that 'hardcore' bullshit.

Iced Earth is one of those rare bands that show you that true metal is still alive and here to stay, even in today's age where shitacular music reigns supreme.

by GOERNR January 17, 2006

176πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

steven seagal

One of the coolest actors ever. A ninja and not afraid to show it.

Me> damn, steven seagal is the fucking man

Retard> that guy is a shitty actor and his movies su-

Steven Seagal> -appears out of nowhere and swiftfully executes a flawless move, paralyzing the un-wise one from the back down-

Me> thanks, steven

Steven Seagal> no problemo -dissapears-

by GOERNR January 17, 2006

129πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

pain elemental

Easily the most annoying of enemies in Doom 2. Has relatively higher HP than most of the lower enemies, but thankfully not enough to compete with enemies like the Baron. It's attack consists of shooting a shitload of flaming skulls at you until it's dead. Usually comes with other monsters. Also floats like the Cacodemon.

That pain elemental is a pain in the ass.

by GOERNR April 27, 2006

34πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž