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Appmon, short for (Digimon Universe) Appli Monsters, is a Digimon series that began airing in 2016. Instead of traditional Digimon, this series has Appmon, which are digital monsters that represent phone applications. Many Digimon fans first thought it would be too childish, or just not "real Digimon". While it is generally more silly and has a different style of pacing, it still has great characters, greatly emphasises the digital aspect of digimon, and amazing moments that fit right in with a Digimon series (ep 19 is a wonderful example).

(Probably the only Digimon series so far with actual LGBT representation, with the two girls on Appter in ep 27, and Haru and Yuujin's relationship arguably being more than just bait)

Appmon is already one of my favorite Digimon series.

by GPigeons June 16, 2017