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Flash-Grilling. v.getting people together spontaneously for a barbecue at different grillocations across England. Predominantly done to out-smart the unpredictable English weather.

Flash-Griller - someone who assembles their friends and family together at short notice using text, email, social media, geo-tagging or phone to spread the word and maximise attendance.

How to go Flash-Grilling:

Step One: Be prepared for sunny days
Step Two: Check out the weather
Step Three: Find a location
Step Four: Gather the troops and make sure they can find you
Step Five: Share out the responsibility
Step Six: Get your grill sizzling
Step Seven: Have fun!
Step Eight: Spread the word

Check out www.simplybeefandlamb.couk/flashgrilling for more info!

by GR2010 May 28, 2010