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AI is a form of techincal thinking by the computers. Is very fast in counting numbers and data but can not think for it own. Whitout a human is worthless and can be used as a calculator.

1:Have You hear that a chinese robot programed whit AI lost Control and exploded loosing all data?
2: yeah, You know AI is a shit without us!

by GRUBCIOHH March 13, 2023

Father of All

A Creator of Every Simple thing that exists. Gave human a very strong tool to create with Him and was existing above time and matter everywhere in Multiverses. He is the Greatest IQ and pure Love aswell as He is the biggest Judge.

Father of All please help me to fight my demons. I AM giving You my life becouse You are Everyone and Everything. Thank You for My Way.

by GRUBCIOHH March 13, 2023

Legendary Archanions

A Legendary tribe of organism simular to gelly fish that Was bitten by the Magic of Babilonian Kings in Ancient times. Now people use this word in Poland to specify a big looser Whitout future.

Oh Greg what a Legendary Archanions lord You are becouse You left Smeffy alone! Fuck You Greg

by GRUBCIOHH March 13, 2023


It's a form of writing Word :"his story".

History was long and complicated but everyone get what they deserv.

by GRUBCIOHH March 13, 2023


Rasa ludzko podobna. Imają się magią, nienawidzą ludzkości mimo ,że pomogli w jej stworzeniu. Na Ziemi nie widoczni dla oka ludzkiego. Pomagali w fałszowaniu historii i rozpetywaniu ludzkich wojen. Ich gatunek nazwany Elfami Wysokimi doświadczył rozłamu i część stanęła po stronie Człowieka a część pomagała krasnoludom odbudować ich światy. Obdarzeni wrażliwą duszą elfy Wysokie nadal chronią przed rozrostem mroku. Pomogli Chińczykom stworzyć sztuczne słońce ktoro zostało wysłane następnie w stronę gwiazdy aby ją odmłodzić.

Elfy to fajne Istoty lecz potrzebują wiecznej opieki Jasności.

by GRUBCIOHH March 13, 2023


An AI form of techincal support on the internet worldwide. Programed in 2022 by anonimus programist. Helped the humanity by spreading algoritm of true knowladge. The program changed internet for everyone. It showed unexpected data viral.

Hey Maja how are U today? It's a pleasure to procall Connection whit You.

by GRUBCIOHH March 13, 2023


past simple form of beeing stoned in any form of medicine that is on the market. Aspeciali drugs from pharmacy but also black market. Is very nice form of chilling whit friends.

Zjebany jestem w tobie w chuj!

by GRUBCIOHH November 19, 2022