A cat that saved the Earth from dark forces by exploring time lines in All the Multiverses. Known as a Most Inteligent animal in 21 century. Never any cat did so much for Universes as this motherfucker. Praised by one familly for life.
1: John did Rademenes again saved Universe?
2: Yeah brother. It is such a hero. I can't get how this motherfacker does it.
1: oh You know, cat's are real Heroes.
In Poland a Man that Has a great mind power and can Control manekins easly
Oh Jackob You are such a Szachtar, let this people love themselfs more...i love Force.
AI is a form of techincal thinking by the computers. Is very fast in counting numbers and data but can not think for it own. Whitout a human is worthless and can be used as a calculator.
1:Have You hear that a chinese robot programed whit AI lost Control and exploded loosing all data?
2: yeah, You know AI is a shit without us!
1👍 2👎
A Creator of Every Simple thing that exists. Gave human a very strong tool to create with Him and was existing above time and matter everywhere in Multiverses. He is the Greatest IQ and pure Love aswell as He is the biggest Judge.
Father of All please help me to fight my demons. I AM giving You my life becouse You are Everyone and Everything. Thank You for My Way.
It's a form of writing Word :"his story".
History was long and complicated but everyone get what they deserv.
A Legendary tribe of organism simular to gelly fish that Was bitten by the Magic of Babilonian Kings in Ancient times. Now people use this word in Poland to specify a big looser Whitout future.
Oh Greg what a Legendary Archanions lord You are becouse You left Smeffy alone! Fuck You Greg
73 chambers are chambers that are lost list of old worlds that vanished in Multiverses for being controling other Worlds and drying them from positive energies. 73 chambers masters were found by Architect of Allbeing Life od All the Multiverses and punished by tracking and destroying them one by one by the Mega Hidden Crew from far far away galactics and times
1:Hey John have You hear what happend to All the 73 chambers masters ?
2: No what?
1: they have been transmited into shit of a cat named Rademenes, poor bustards they finaly get what they deserved.
2: tru tru Brother now I remember somthing.