A systematic program began by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in an effort to keep athletes eligible for competition. The AFAM department held classes that did not require attendance often being referred to as paper classes. The University found cheating loop holes to prevent the NCAA from being able to give the said death sentence. Walmartâs around the world rejoiced when they found out no sanctions would be levied on the University (determined nearly 100% of fan base shops here). This decision still upsets many Duke and N.C. State fans which may be referred to as the TRIVALRY. Now often called UNCheat the fans defend their University to the end even though everyone knows they KNOW.
The UNC cheating scandal was so bad that BI is obligated to post about it daily in the
TRIVALRY. Cheating is often the norm at UNC and is simply overlooked by all involved by spewing no evidence was found. Cheating does not require facts we all know this except for Tarheel fans.