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It's muffin time!

Used in the popular card game "Muffin time" where if you have 10 cards at the start of your turn you may yell "It's muffin time" and win the game. (Please note that this is a VERY short version of the games rules.)

Person 1 *Does his turn*

Person 2 "Hah! I have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 cards! It's muffin time!"

Person 3 "Aww, guess you win."

by Ganykem February 1, 2022


Something you prop. have

I mean, your serching "Depression" on urban dictionary.

Person 1 "I have depression."

Person 2 "Then you should go see a therapist."

Person 1 "No. I'm gonna go rant on the internet, that will help!"

Person 2 "Your hopeless."

by Ganykem February 1, 2022