Source Code

s bend explorer

When you do a crap so large it makes it through the 's bend' of the toilet before it has been snapped off

Male 'A': Phew thats better
Male 'B': Why what's happened
Male 'A': After 20 rum and cokes and 2 greasy burgers last night I just dropped off an "s bend explorer"

by Gatesy February 24, 2009

7👍 2👎

Spin Class

A new form of exercise designed by skinny fit people to make fat bastards HURT. It normally involves riding a stationary push bike to music

Person A: Dude, I am struggling, I went to spin class for the first time last night and it was painful

Person B: Yeah i did it once and i swear I tore myself a second arsehole i was pedalling so fast

by Gatesy April 22, 2009

24👍 4👎