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The feminist movement was something that occurred really throughout the 20th century. Starting in 1920 when wen gained the right to vote and again in the 1980's when women really started to break away from their traditional roles in western society.

These days feminism is being rejected by many young women. This is because these days young girls feel they have just as much opportunity to make a living as men.

Now days the connotation of feminism has changed from the original denotation of the word. Now feminism has a new common meaning "believing women deserve special treatment" while this is NOT the actual dictionary definition of the word, it is what most people mean when they talk about feminism these days.

Consequently, many young women feel the need for change has past and with it the need to identify as a feminist.

The young women who still identify with feminism are on the more "radical" side of the scale and feel women are still not equal and want even more benefits given on top if the affirmative action already provided for being a women in western society (more scholarship opportunities, more access to government assisted living, and government subsidies for owning their own business). These are the radical women who have given feminism a bad name.

Example of the new connotation of a feminism:

"Goddamn did you hear that bitch talking about how employers should have to pay for their female employees' birth control and pregnancy tests?!"

"Yea man! That chick's gotta be a feminist."

by Gatewatcher September 23, 2014

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