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In gay slang, means to publicly "call out" or insult someone on their actual flaws (flaws that would normally be taboo to bring up in polite conversation). Equivalent to the term "roast/roasting someone".

Originated in gay black culture, made popular and used by drag queens and gay male bar/club culture. The term "reading" stems from the idea that these called-out flaws are so apparent, they can be perceived/"read" off the person in question as easily as reading a piece of text off a book.

A perfect example of the internal division and active-attempts-break-one-another-down that exists within the already disenfranchised gay male/LBGT community.

#1: "Read" as noun
Person 1: You know going out and drinking every night is so horrible for your body...
Person 2: This is coming from someone who smokes cigarettes daily and eats microwaveable ramen noodles?
Bystander: Ooh, that was a read!

#2: "Read"/"Reading" as a verb
Person 1: Ugh, I can't believe how much weight I've gained lately!
Person 2: Maybe you should stop eating boxed macaroni n' cheese for every meal and get some exercise.
Person 1: Damn! Why you always got to read me?
Person 2: Sorry reading you is just too easy.

by GayBoyAtlanta December 19, 2016

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