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Arrogant assholes on Twitter who think that they're "intellectual" when they post some shitty stolen meme from 4chan beneath the post of some guy they hate that will be forgotten in a day or two, and are then worshiped by Redditors for no reason other than being "Cool".

Derek: Hey Bill look at this spicy meme I sent to this guy that fucking sucks and will be forgotten about as soon as another guy like that appears.
(Bill looks at said meme stolen from a mentally retarded 9 year old from 4 chan)
Bill: Derek, my nigga, stop being such an arrogant asshole. Go outside or watch a movie, because Jesus your fascination with being one of those Twittards has got to stop. Otherwise the only thing you'll be tweeting will be your surgery updates.

by Gaylordgangster69 March 7, 2020

55👍 6👎

Trump caused Covid

The bullshit idea that it's Trump's fault for COVID, not only ignoring the fact that recently the CDC discovered that only 6% of counted COVID deaths were actually COVID deaths, but the fact that it was due to the fact that many governors did things that Trump had no control over, such as the fact that Governor Cuomo sent old people to die in state nursing homes, deaths which helped cover up, while attacking Trump, and furthermore, Trump signed the largest stimulus bill in US history to help, oh and there's also the fact that overall, Trump had no effect on the decision of the state governments, considering that the US has a federal system where the states can decide for themselves what policies to have, so even Trump putting out guidelines still didn't mean that all governors had to follow them. Overall, everything is mainly reliant on the states.

Leftist dumbass: Trump caused Covid Haha Cuomo is such a good boy he should run for president he cares about covid and climate change and he stands up to Trump
Anyone with any IQ over room temperature: Did you know that Cuomo sent old people to die in New York nursing homes and also the fact that he helped cover up deaths afterwards? Oh and consider the fact that he shut down 2 reactors at the clean and powerful Indian point Nuclear power plant, as a result of which reliance on carbon dioxide emitting natural gas increased.

Leftist dumbass: (AOL noises) Orange man bad! He is literally *Insert average movie dictator* and we are *Insert generic hollywood rebel* !

by Gaylordgangster69 September 16, 2020