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Noun with two meanings.

-referring to feces and waste matter
- a noun which can be used to replace a verb, meaning that the speaker doesn't have a clear idea of what they're referring to but know that they are referring to something.

'Aw man, I just took a huge shit.', meaning the speaker fired one out.

'Hey, you wanna go to town and shit?', which does not mean the speaker wants to use the toilets at a store on the high street. It means the speaker wants to go to town, but doesn't have a clear idea of what exactly to do there.

by GeekOnSugar January 30, 2010

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Stichomythia is when you use the same words as someone else in order to make them look stupid.

1: This might be stupid and dumb, but everyone here in Holland thinks it's funny.
2: No, it's just that this isn't funny, and everyone there in Holland is stupid and dumb.
3: Stichomythia, bitch.

by GeekOnSugar January 23, 2010