people with red coloring of the hair. usually depicted and thought of as sexy, but that is a misconception birthing from the word "red". thought of as the color of love and passion. redheads result from a double recesive gene, and are labeled in the scientific community as being three-time losers because the double recesive gene. the gene causes pale skin, subject to burning, degenerate facial structure, often shown in thin lips, oddly shaped jaw structure, upturned noses, squinty eyes, and an overhanging brow, and they are more subject to skin cancer and wrinkling with age. many things believed about redhair are also untrue like, redheads having more sex drive, and heated tempers. the truth is redheads are just like everyone else except the majority of them are unattractive.
it is widely accepted that redheads are either ugly or pretty with no in between, and the majority lean towards ugly.
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