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The Daily Show

The last vestige of the "liberal media (truth)" that Republicans bitch about so much.

The Daily Show is the shit.

by Genesis September 14, 2004

317👍 431👎


A snob that finds joy in insulting everyone and everything. Like a cynic, only without the class.

Look up Nu-Metal. You'll read the thoughts of about 60 haters.

by Genesis March 30, 2005

13👍 26👎


to be very nasty smelling or to be hated very badly.

"dude, your ass smells go douche"

by Genesis August 29, 2003

2👍 66👎


long haired drug addict who appreciates good hifi

i see a mesp lying in the corner unconcious overther

by Genesis April 25, 2003

2👍 2👎


A twnety something that likes to booze heavilly

ah mesp would you like some more meths with your cola?

by Genesis April 28, 2003


A tool used for cleaning bungholes.

Oh my! What a big tung you have.

by Genesis April 1, 2003

44👍 74👎