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noun. the weightless, invisible, more prevelant of the intellect subatomic particles that obirt the heads of non-smart individuals. They can be lost by reading a book or doing math.

They are the opposite of smarticles

It's a whole lot of dumbons in Nadine and Courtney's Room.

by Genius Idiot Savant December 8, 2010


noun. the weightless, invisible particulates that orbit the heads of intelligent beings. They roam freely in confined spaces where learning occurs. Although they 'can' exists together smarticales have the tendency to dissapate quickly when too many dumbons (dumb ions) are introduced into the environment.

Excellent people like Aaron Walker have the capacity to carry great amounts of both smarticles and dumbons at the same time! Courtney Hudson Rondo and DR. Nadine cannot have both!

I thought Kenneth had smarticles but obviously I was wrong!

by Genius Idiot Savant December 8, 2010

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