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Sexiest cat person every created in history of cat people. More sexy and asian then Lucy Lui. Make kickass ninjas, see www.realultimatepower.net

Last night I got some new protection so I equipped it on my mithra. I was up all night.

by Geno Red December 12, 2003

22👍 37👎


A descriptive word used for sexually arousing females that play alot of ddr and are usually asian.

Wow she rocks at DDR and has nice boobs ! Wut a meng.

by Geno Red December 14, 2003

15👍 48👎


See ffXI (FF11) and taru taru, an animation acheived by the producers square-enix by the race taru taru that is the best animation in the history of all movies,games, and general entertainment .

Awwwww that is such a cute taru taru animation I will kill myself because I will never see anything this orgasmic in my life again.

by Geno Red December 22, 2003

35👍 7👎