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The standard group-chat app that you have to install when you enroll into college these days. GroupMe can be helpful in communicating with your floor-mates, or even as a way to ask for help on homework assignments. It's also helpful to know when your laundry is done, rather than have some asshat throw it out.

Besides that, the typical GroupMe group chat for the university often consists of the same 9-10 people talking out of 1000+ members that are in it. Furthermore, it's filled to the brim with students asking you to sign the same goddamn petition, often social justice related. While this master group chat is helpful for university-wide news discussions, having different political opinions might end you up in a slippery slope. And believe me, you will not win.

A: Did you see the GroupMe chat?
B: Nah, what happened?
A: Apparently someone shit in the urinal on the 2nd floor
B: What's new?

by Geoman18 April 12, 2021