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Something that describes another thing as not canon. More specifically, something that has absolutely never happened in the plot.

Person 1: "According to this fanart, this scene is canon."
Person 2: "We must not be watching the same show, this is uncanon and you're using fanart as a source.."

by Gerrant November 17, 2021


When you overwhelmingly run someone over metaphorically and the person getting "Snowballed" can't handle it.

I'm going to Snowball through this man's entire team.

by Gerrant November 25, 2019


Daron is an enigmatic, mischievous, cool, and honest guy, who'd do almost anything to make a girl happy and is really kind and also a gentleman. He also tends to disappear and re-appear out of nowhere like a phantom/ghost, even when you least expect it and his footsteps never makes a sound. He also has a secret scary split personality that he always hides, but tends to trigger it as a defense mechanism in cases of being messed with harshly. Not to mention he protects people and forgets stuff sometimes. When it comes to school work, he tends to fall asleep in class alot;
overall, he's very smart, however his brain along with himself is somewhat lazy(altogether, due to the fact that he stays up too late at night). But when he's serious, he'll stop at nothing to get the job done.(Also has a fierce hatred for liars and those who talk bad behind his back)

(Noun) Daron holds the door for somebody coming up the steps
(Verb) Daron Exercises in the weight room

by Gerrant March 19, 2014

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