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Vineyard Vine

a clothing line that takes the preppy cliche to another level. It's literally suggesting that your a preppy county yacht club kid. People only buy them when they go to college so that people think they have money. It's sending a wrong message and it's a way of bragging that you are rich or trying to show that your rich.

Person A:Oh your wearing a vineyard vine shirt? Let me guess, daddy Is a stock broker and mommy is an anesthesiologist?
Person B: nope dads a brain sergon and mom is a civil engineer. What about you? your wearing vineyard vine too what do your parents do?
Person A: well....... My mom is the CEO of Bear sterns and my dad is the wolf of wallstreet

Person A: your a lier, take off the vineyard vines. Your one of those kids who bought them to fit in while in college

by Gerrygggggggg April 4, 2015

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