This was the name of a man who sat in judgements of others all the while being a lover of kids. Countless lives were damaged by this and still are, but he was never held accountable. This sickness trickled down to his grandkids and then onto innocent kids that had to keep quiet about it. It's actually sickening.
That old man psychologically damaged his own blood as well as innocent outsiders. He was Judge Dworkin.
Shoshort older woman with dyed blond hair. Late to work almost every day but hr needs her helpso nothing happens. Works alone behind the scenes to stir things up, trash talk her supervisor and see to it that others are slandered. Never directly stands up for herself, just manipulates others to do it for her. You'll find her at company events on order that she can garner sympathy and attention from her tall male friend and anyone else who doesn't really know her. She also utilizes this time to gather information. Christina receives and somehow pays child support as well.
Christina is fond of talking about others borrowing money even though she does it frequently.