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An racist term (in my opinion) describing how black people supposedly speak, when in reality, a lot of white peoples talk like that too. (But seriously, who the hell says "I'm going to" anymore. Literally everybody says, or has at least said once or unintentionally, "I'm gonna." Or "Imma". Who has the patience to say the full word? At least no one I know. It's just faster. That's why not many people say " Long Island Express." They say "L.I.E". Plus, no one even says "dat" or "hizzy", anymore. That's just an exaggeration.)

Supposed "Ebonics": "Look at that hoe."
Supposed English: "Look at that hoe."

by Gfthfyjjfyjjyfyjfjyfyjfyjfyjfj August 5, 2020

1👍 6👎


If you don't know what it is then I can't tell you

"OK I'm gonna fleeb so you don't have to answer this question". Or "don't ashamed for fleebing"

by Gfthfyjjfyjjyfyjfjyfyjfyjfyjfj August 17, 2021