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A system that displays an interactive map of the psyche, the unconscious mind, the soul, and all spiritual substance that make up the incorporeal aspects of the universe.

I used the Spiritarium to study the unconscious mind.

by GhostFalcon April 15, 2020


Something or someone that has the qualities and characteristics of a vajra, an indestructible substance that is as hard as a diamond, and as fierce as lightning. Like a thunderbolt, a vajra cleaves through ignorance, and like the diamond, the vajra destroys but itself is indestructible.

His soul was so strong, it was like he was a Vajrian.

by GhostFalcon April 1, 2020

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Someone or something that gamifies real-life situations to encourage activism and enhance marketing by utilizing traditional game mechanics such as, achievements, points, scoreboards, and rules of play.

Person 1: "Man, this job sucks."
Person 2: "Well, if we have a gamifier, this would be a job worth having."

by GhostFalcon January 18, 2020


A person or thing that is from Nirvana or has ascended to Nirvana through Enlightenment, liberating themselves from the cycle of Samsara

You are a Nirvanian

I have ascended to Nirvana, therefore, i am a Nirvanian.

by GhostFalcon August 25, 2019


Relating to or having characteristics of the legendary race of mythical bird-like creatures named Garuda.

He is wearing Garudian armor powerful enough to withstand tremendous damage.

by GhostFalcon April 7, 2020


The psychological dissection of a human's unconscious mind through the utilization of advanced oneiric technology to determine what nightmarish phenomena is affecting their mentality.

"He suddenly fell into a coma due to a haunting nightmare he had, so we had to wait for the Oneiropsy report to tell us why he was having genocidal behavior."

by GhostFalcon March 28, 2020


A genre that focuses on the juxtaposition of the material world and the spiritual world. It mainly illustrates enlightenment, esoteric technology, spiritual intelligence, and deification.

Sometimes, it can take place in a dystopian future where the soul is being exploited in a malignant way within the material world, which will make humans transcend beyond their physical and mental capacity to become emanations of divinity. Or, it can even take place in an optimistic future within the spiritual world where enlightened beings named Bodhisattvas delay their salvation to Nirvana due to their compassion for suffering humans so that they can help them obtain moksha in order to escape the material world and guide them towards true freedom from the cycle of Samsara.

"The Spiritpunk genre has an oriental style to it mixed with ancient mythology from eastern cultures."

"The very theme of Spiritpunk can also be seen as the answer to cyberpunk, as it focuses on the significance of the soul, rather than materialistic and technological attachments."

by GhostFalcon April 3, 2020