Source Code


CUB- codename used by females to describe a potential/current/previous (a.k.a. active or inacitve duty) sexual partner. The pronoun is always preceded by a nickname deemed by the female as an indicator to the CUB's actual name, random thought, funny story or some unfortunate happenstance exhibited by the CUB in question.

Addendum: CUB was revolutionized to become an acronym Cute.Unattached.Boy

Tina, " I cannot believe you had sex with Mime CUB again, the man is paid to speak on the radio and he is silent in bed!"

Erika, "He shall be deemed Sox CUB, I woke up and all he was wearing was inside out argyle socks."

Abril, "Have you made contact with your hot neighbor yet? What was his CUB name again?"
Alex, "SWF CUB, because I think it is creepy that I am slightly stalking my neighbor."

by Gingergirl33 March 13, 2010

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