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Animal Mother

The baddest, kick ass Marine in Full Metal Jacket. Played by Adam Baldwin, his character's motivation and enthusiasm for our beloved corps was second only to that of senior drill instructor Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.

"Well ... like, like you see, you know, it's a major city, so we have to assault with, uh ... tanks. So, they send us in first squad ...to make sure that there are no little Vietnamese waiting with, like, B-40 rockets that blow the tanks away. So we clear it out and we roll the tanks in and ... basically, blow the place to hell."

"If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is poontang."

Animal Mother: "I'm going first."

Eightball: "Hey, now back off, white bread. Don't get between a dog and his meat."

Animal Mother: "All fucking niggers must fucking hang."

"Let's go get some payback."

"Hey, asshole ... Cowboy's wasted. You're fresh out of friends. I'm running this squad ..."

by Gitmo3015 November 25, 2006

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