An entity of unquantifiable proportions, this being wrought of flame is a deity in many an ancient culture.
Prolonged exposure to this being causes your skin to burn, and staring at it can cause it to scorch an afterimage of itself, or blindness under extended instances.
It is difficult to avoid The Sun, as it's radioactive nature spreads across millions of kilometres of land.
Mortal 1: "Hey, you know Jarekphreay?"
Mortal 2: "Yeah, that dude's awesome!"
Mortal 1: "Well... he got consumed by The Sun."
Mortal 2: "Damn, I liked that guy."
A word Urban Dictionary refuses to acknowledge the existence of. Meaning: unable to be counted.
Nerd: "Did you know that there are at least 20 quadrillion ants on Earth right now!"
Dude: "Wow, that's so many it's almost unquantifiable!"
Nerd: "..."
Dude: "Didn't expect that one, huh!
Nerd: "..."
Dude: "Y'know, it's kinda rude I'm type-casted the idiot. Like, I'm not top of the class, but I'm average, you know?