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A term describing a particularly bitchy and bitter breed of college student, almost always associated with the University of Michigan. Despite their insistence that they don't have any worthy rivals in the Midwest and that they don't care about said imaginary rivals, these students spend an an extreme amount of time and effort professing their superiority to anyone within earshot. However, Wolverines are to be pitied because this mythical and unproven claim to glory is the only shred of hope they have to cling to for the rest of their lives, or at least until their football program goes down the shitter. Oh wait...

"Wow, that loud-mouth Wolverine sounds like a complete jackass when he talks about how great U of M is."

"If his school was really that wonderful, you wouldn't think he'd feel the need to prove it to any and everyone he meets."

"Yeah, it's pretty pathetic."

by GoBlow April 17, 2009

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