The shot of ice that I have tried to get in for 5 or 6 years or more, and still won't go in due to the outside inference that keeps occurring, because they think it's going to kill me or something. And keeps on getting confused (maybe, at least..) for heroin, that would (if I could get it in... That is..) have gotten me off the needle back then, and now is the key to saving certain things (like private Ruan () and producing a (in my mind.. at minimum..) a super duper mega miracle which is the equivalent of 1000 miracles.
I really wish I could finally get in that God Shot..
This is my own custom-made version of "automatic", JUST IN CASE..... the other one I'm almost certain that I originally came up with (but don't have proof of such..), which is "automagically", had/has been claimed by someone else or something..
J stands for Josh, would use G for Gosh but...
It means "I had it completed Automajically, without my direct intervention", no matter what must occur AS.LONG AS... there is actually visible MATTER, that occurs , at a time/place/rift of creation, where I can visualize it where I'm at and visually spectate it using my visual cortex's auru spectrum detection algorithm without the need for my spectacles to be cleaned off/wiped off. Or my species to be permissable in being allowed to sée it/approve of it being here {other than me, of course} and/or IF REQUESTED,, used as a food source.. or labor.. pain... MakeRs..