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An awesome food product used in all sorts of food creations as well as used on its own, can lead to sexual pleasure with partner if used in the proper manner. Can also have side effects such as the bending of your toes backwards

"oh look a chocolate bar" eats chocolate "omg my toes are bending backwards!"

by Godfather October 21, 2008

11πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

2004 Presidential Election

The time when the American public must decide who they want to fuck up their country for the next 4 years.

Flip a quarter and vote accordingly...

by Godfather August 7, 2004

108πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Things that you experience during your unconscious state while sleeping.

Either something really good or something really bad. You cannot remember the really good dreams, such as getting laid, but the bad ones that entail you having your manhood removed will stick with you for days. See: nightmare

I had this really good dream, but I can't remember it anymore.

What a shitty dream. I dreamt that there was this Danish whore who chopped my manhood off.

by Godfather August 11, 2004

78πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


One addicted to films.

"I love films, I consider myself a bit of a cinephile..."

by Godfather March 11, 2005

37πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Mrs. Barth and her gay ass son.

Ryan saw Mrs. Barth and her gay ass son in the gay bar.

by Godfather September 1, 2004

54πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


Total suckdom

- Rorsach -

Ҁ’ Dude, come play RvS in ma room
- No dude, I can't, my comp is fucked up
Ҁ’ bahness

by Godfather January 5, 2004

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Abbreviation of Annoying cunt

GodDamn Ary is an AC

by Godfather January 8, 2005

8πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž