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Bacon Jew

One who professes faith in Judaism, yet is hypocritical and does not follow Jewish doctrine; a hypocrite of any stripe. Usually a person who is very vocal about their supposed strict adherence to one doctrine or principal but does not obey that standard. The louder the bark, the weaker their bite....a phony. All hat and no cattle.

He is such a Bacon Jew, I saw him at Sal's last night eating bacon-wrapped shrimp. I can't believe a word he says.

by Gojai August 30, 2017


Re-gurge (or Regurge) defines a drug product that has been broken down, laden with cut, and then re-pressed in the effort to sell it as solid and pure. Refers mostly to Cocaine, which when pure is normally large solid and flakey chunks of various sizes and shapes. By -re-pressing the weakened product it is possible to deceive some clients into thinking the dope is still uncut and in original condition, as the chunks have a general appearance similar to pure coke, untouched by the dreaded cut monster. The seasoned dope fiend knows very quickly whether the dope is original press, or re-gurge, by a close examination to reveal the texture of the pressed product, and other trade secrets I will not share here. Caveat Emptor.

Damn! Charlie said to come over quick, as he just scored a kilo of pure, but when I got there it was obviously re-gurge.

by Gojai August 31, 2017

Blind sex

Having sex in the dark, using the senses of touch, hearing and smell to increase arousal

Wow, that girl is fabulous at blind sex

by Gojai August 23, 2017

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Baby Food

Refers to a drug lower on the thrill scale than one you currently use, which is obviously superior to that crap. For instance to a heroin addict, baby food might be Percocet or Vicodin.

I left the Baby Food long ago, only The King works for me.

by Gojai August 30, 2017

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Blue Cheer

An actual type or brand of LSD. Used widely at Woodstock, there was more than a few types of Acid present, at one batch was quickly identified as chemically dangerous, and warnings issued over the sound system against its use. Other monikers of the era included Purple Haze, Orange Sunshine and Clear Light. Groovy, man. Peace. This type of acid appeared before the advent of the fabulous band of that era with the same name: Blue Cheer. Coincidence? Not a chance.

Right on, we're headed to Yasgar's farm to Woodstock, with 1000's of hits of Blue Cheer. I'll be cruising above ground level, and making money for three days....

by Gojai August 31, 2017

The Little Man in the Boat

An aroused clitoris, standing tall, seeking more attention and stimulation; the little guy is begging for orgasms. This is a term actually used in the late 1960s, in Underground Comics, found widely at that time, including Mr. Natural, Captain Piss-gums and his Band of Perverted Pirates, The Brown Paper Bag and others. You had to be there to really get it.

Oh yeah, I had a visit last night from the Little Man in the Boat, and he was HUNGRY!

by Gojai August 30, 2017

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The act of either a man or woman giving oral sex to a woman; cunnilingus.

Finally, Courtney asked for a little lickety-split last night! Tasty, amazing!

by Gojai August 30, 2017

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