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Gurbob is famous on the internet for being extremely gay. Visit the postal diaries for more information.

guy #1: Dude I hate this class. Its as gay as gurbob. :(

guy #2: Aye :(

by Gonepostal April 5, 2005

6👍 1👎


The definitions prior to this one are all fucking ridiculous. A horn is another word for a beer.

Gurbob:Hey lets go drink another one of this zatch's horns!

Gonepostal:Nay lets piss on the stereo in her living room and take the horns as we run out the door.

Gurbob: lol rgr that!

by Gonepostal April 4, 2005

8👍 37👎


Zatch is another word for a broad or female. Derived from the original name BIZATCH.

Gonepostal :Lets urinate on this zatches carpet

Gurbob : rgr that

by Gonepostal May 2, 2005

15👍 42👎