asshole/s who ruin your best friends funny joke
Guy 1: And he was like laughing so hard
Guy 2: *chuckles*
Guy 3: your joke is so ugly as hell
Guy 1 and 2: what a pathetic piece of killjoy garbage
Someone who is black-and-white striped, currently in high school,who eats grass and simps on 2D anime volleyball players
Guy 1: "Isn't that the type of person who simps on non-existent 2D anime characters?"
Guy 2: "You mean a Zz?"
Pure devils that are in charge of a chaotic chat where they join/start the fight. Careless. Trash. Thinks that God is happy of what they are doing. well yeah GARBAGE
hey LOok i AM an admin i aM jESus pLEAsE ReSPeCT ME stuPid cUNTS
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