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verb: Means actually having your mind blown by someone

Like Bran did to Hodor in Game of thrones

I just watched GOT Season 5, I was not expecting these two massive reveals. I think i just got Hodored by George RR Martin.

Bran, you just fucking Hodored Hodor!

by Goose8675309 May 23, 2016


To have your mind blown like as if you were Hodor!

Reference Season 5 Episode 5 - what Bran does to Hodor

Dude 1: Dude did you see the end of episode 5??

Dude 2: Hodor...
Dude 1: Yes! Exactly!

Dude 1: Have you ever gotten High and watched Wizard of Oz while listening to Dark side of the moon? ?? Hodor bro. Hodor.

by Goose8675309 May 23, 2016

5👍 14👎