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Shocker Vulcan Style

See also Vulcan Shocker; a variant of classical shocker, is practiced by inserting the index and the middle finger in the vagina opening, while inserting the ring and the pinky finger in the anus.

James.T.K.: heya Spock, whassup? Had a party last night?

Spock: my logical inclination granted me to achieve a higher state of knowledge in the understanding of love mechanics. Now the Shocker Vulcan Style has come to existance.

by Gormenghast June 5, 2006

63👍 10👎


A very advance political plan proposed by Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential race.
It will be super duper powerful and and it invokes the controversial usage of Badakathcare.
It is said to imprison The Orange Man for 1000 years, during which time, Cthulhu will reign over this world.
But hey! Shamalambadingdong. Right??!

Joe: "Ill lead an effective strategy to mobilize Truinanashabadepresure"
*crowd goes wild*

by Gormenghast November 2, 2020