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Pejorative and dismissive term used by self titled patriots to collectively refer to all that is wrong with the world and any individual or group who does not agree with them.
1). Euphemism: frequently applied in instances where the user would prefer to use more derogative racial, religious and class slurs but is afraid to reveal their true beliefs publicly.
2). Political: Applied to all opposing belief systems that do not priorly qualify for inclusion under the definition of pure evil. (See: Other Nations).
3). Religious: applied to groups or individuals that do not demonstratively subscribe to any or all of the holy trinity or Guns, Gold and God. (Refer: Godless Liberals).
4). Education: Applied to anyone who uses words such as demonstratively (Refer: Educated Liberal Elite).
5). Civil rights: Applied to anyone or organisation seeking to restrict the inalienable conservative right to discriminate against, deny liberty to or restrict personal freedoms of those they don’t like, disagree with or fear. (Hist: Afro Americans, Mexicans, Homosexuals).

Rest of World (See: Unamerican)
Liberal: Noun: Individual of liberal views.
Origin Middle English via old French (see: pure evil) from Latin Liberalis, from Liber meaning Free (man).
Mass Noun: Liberality: open to new ideas and free from prejudice.
Verb: Liberalise: Loosen or remove restrictions on a society, economy or political system.
Adjective: Broaden general knowledge; Generous measure or distribution.

President Hussein Obama is a liberal (see uses 1 through 5).

Rest of world.
The US, England and France are liberal democracies.

by Gormful June 8, 2010

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