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A game for the Xbox that is for people who like playing crappy FPS on a consol that's controller is the size of a refridgerator. worshiped by fan boys and Bill Gates alike.

How to respond to a FanBoy

1.Hey want to come over to my place to play some halo2?

Response Halo2 is only a slight improvment over the first

2.Halo2 is better than any game by Nintendo

Response not true and you would'nt be able to play halo without Nintendo's Invention of the Annalog stick and shoulder buttons

by Goron June 21, 2005

23👍 89👎

Super Smash Bros.

The Most innovative fighting game that uses a damage percent counter instead of a heath bar has 40 playable characters and packed with unlockable features and game modes.

Amazing multiplayer game. raise da roof!

by Goron June 21, 2005

393👍 97👎