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A year that Marty {Martin McFly or to his mom as a teen, Calvin Klien(it was on his underwear)}(actor:Michael J. Fox) and the Doc {aka Doctor Emmit Brown}(actor; Christopher Lloyd)go to in the Doc's time machine (dillorian) this year has flying cars and a "sky way", pepsi bottles are hard to open,and any game you play with your hand is supposedly a "baby's toy"

Marty: you mean we are in the year two thousand fifteen (2015)?!?!
Doc: well...i...uh...
Jennifer (marty's Gf): wait i dont understand marty.
Marty: Well... Jennifer, youre in a time machine.
Jennifer: WOW!!! O_O *turns to Doc* you said we have kids right?!?! how many? was it a big wedding with lot's of flowers?
Doc: well...i...uh
Jennifer: OMG! we're gonna see where we live! marty! we're gonna see our future!
Marty: heh...yeah...
Doc: *puts laser beams in jennifer's eyes and she falls asleap.*

all of this is in the air inside the dillorian/time machine

by Grace2293 April 27, 2006

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