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Any person who is a proponent of a war while not enlisting and going off to fight in said war. A kind of hypocrite. Really, a chickenhawk is one who says: "it's okay for other mother's sons and children's fathers to go off and get shot, dismembered and incinerated, but me, I'm too much of a wilting daisy to go off and break a nail trying to load one of those gun thingies."

My campus is swarming with chickenhawks. They wave signs saying "support our troops," but ask them to sign their flabby asses up and go take the risks they demand others take, they run like sissy cowards and cheer for Bush while the Tigris runs red with the blood of braver men.

by Gramatikon October 2, 2005

475👍 198👎


To lead a semi-nomadic existence, traveling from town to town, making a living from odd jobs. To be rootless and transient, calling no one place home.

Sung about often in old folk music, which was written from the perspective of humble, working people, many of whom traveled from town to town in search of work during the Gread Depression. Often used, particularly in the work of Woody Gutherie, as a metaphor for life's journey.

"My mother prayed that I would be
A man of some renown
But I am just a refugee
As I go ramblin' round."--Woody Gutherie, "Ramble Round."

"Now as through this life I ramble
I've seen lots of funny men
Some will rob you with a six-gun
And some with a fountain pen
And as through this life you ramble
And through this life you roam
You will never see an outlaw
Rob a family of their home."--Woody Gutherie, "Ballad of Pretty Boy Floyd."

by Gramatikon September 1, 2005

113👍 33👎

jungle fever

When a non-black person is atracted sexually to black people. Originally it was used for when a white woman dates black men, but now it could refer to a white man who thinks black women are hot and wants to date them.

A Stevie Wonder song about black man/white woman love.

"She's gon black guy crazy
He's gone white girl hazy
They got jungle fever"--Stevie Wonder.

by Gramatikon October 2, 2005

3462👍 1177👎