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Originally brought up from the gutters of the great hacking from 1995-2002. This language is most found up when on forums, websites and 'clans' . The language that many use on the internet to proclaim a different style of speech.

The obsession with 'L337NESS' is to be cooler than the other guy. To be so called more 'Ub3r than the other'

A high stated person on the internet will be spoken to using this language as a sign of greatly respected value.
Although this language seems to be of the highest fashion on the internet, it's nothing but a dispectful scandal against the hackers that used it to save themselfs from the FBI.

uR ub3r L33T.
A great example to be seen of the language, visit your nearest geek forums.

by GregX July 2, 2005

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