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There are a few steps to understanding the definition of the word "Sniglet."

1. Piglet - A young pig. Generally, a baby pig.

2. Nigger - Now and typically, a socioeconomically disadvantaged, inner city Black or African American or Blafrican individual.

3. Snuggling - Similar to cuddling, it's an act done by men unto women, women unto women, or men unto men. Historically, this act is only performed post-coitus to ensure that the man or woman is brought to fruition at a later time.

Combining these words gives you "Sniglet": A young, piglet-looking nigger prone to snuggling. The word, Sniglette, albeit differently spelled, describes merely a change in gender.

Sniglet: Male
Sniglette: Female.

Larry: Sniglet?

Robert: Yes, sniglet. It's a word I just made up, bro. It's a piglet-looking nigger who likes to snuggles.

Larry: .............You're a monster.

by Gremmickle February 23, 2008

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