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For people to be sexual with each other, but not to have sex.

"Stephen and Gemma were very sexactive when left alone together in a room."

by Grrrr! June 9, 2007

12👍 4👎


To be violated, but happy about it.

For a person to violate (verbally and/or physically) someone else, but the person being violated enjoys it.

verb: kyoodles, kyoodle

Stephen: Im totally going to 'Kyoodle' Gemma later tonight.
Friend 1: Yeah, you have fun with that!
Friend 2: Hahahahaha!!
Gemma: Omg! I love it when Stephen 'Kyoodles' me.
Friend 1: Ack! Too much sex life info!!
Friend 2: HARR HARR HARR!!
Stephen: *Grabs Gemma's "chest"*
Gemma: Omfg! How very dare you! I feel so violated!!
Stephen: Im sorry i thought you would enjoy it.
Gemma: I did! Keep 'Kyoodling' me!

by Grrrr! August 24, 2007

1👍 4👎


adj. messy, fucked up

"my writing isnt straight on the page!" exclaimed gemma "its ALL FANDDANGLED!!!"

by Grrrr! August 25, 2007

1👍 2👎


when something really retarded has happened and one does not know how to express ones feelings towards it.

it is usually accompagnied by a hand gesture:
.put index finger under nose
.as soon as you say the word make as if you have a VERY STIFF moustache sticking out from under your nose in a thrusting motion with said finger
. alternatively, malke it that the imaginary moustache is curled at the end

The reason for this hand gesture: this is when you have become so retarded that you need to be sent to a insane asylum and your nostril hair start growing and/or curling

Zippy: *trips up the stairs*
Gemma + Roadie: MEHHH!!!!
Gemma: *walks into a chair and APOLOGISES*
Zippy + roadie: *discreetly* mehhh

by Grrrr! August 25, 2007

12👍 29👎

spazzy fit

.Used to describe a human of lesser intelligence jerking its body and having an eppileptic fit of some sort.
.Or for girls as a way to say they are turned on
usually acompagnied by the sounds "vvvvvvvvvvvvsldjglhxg" or gasps

zippy:"omg look at pete wentz drinming that potion *spazzy fit*"
gemma: OMG HE's GASPING!!! *spazzzzyyyyyyy*

by Grrrr! August 25, 2007