Means you are scared of the substance "Vaseline" due to your belief of it containing drugs. It is very difficult to get rid of this fear because if you were taught in school as a kid you swore to never touch drugs. Therefore, you are scared to even touch a container of Vaseline.
This is the predecessor of Vaselphobia. This is where you ask the life changing question of Vaseline a drug? After asking this once or multiple times someone shall convince you that, "Yes, it is a drug". This shall go on to give you Vaselphobia.
"Vaseline a drug?" you ask. "Yes, on it right now!"
Photopism is a religion where the god of photop is praised as Jesus is to Christians. Robot_Engine is the main god. With Lost being one lower ranking of Robot. And then Sky as the one above average moderator. Then mods are after that. And then trial moderators. Then the main users.
Hey! We should both join Photopism!
"Photopians" are people who are on the website Photop quite often. Quite often is currently defined as everyday (to me atleast). Photopent is the ripoff of this word. Some examples of "Photopians" are me, Franco, and Lost.
Hey! We are both Photopians!