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A religion that could coexist with others (Satanism)if not for the stupidity and ignorance of some of its followers. Promotes love, tolerance, and bestowing love to all, worthy or not, while Satanism focuses on more human urges. If someone spills their drink on you on purpose, you turn the other cheek and pray for them (Christianity). If someone spills their drink on you on purpose, break your glass upon their head (Satanism). Satanism promotes revenge while Christianity promotes tolerance. Long story short, believe what you want but don't force your believes on me or insult mine. Revenge comes quick and without failure.

Me- Hey, aren't you new here? Want me to show you around?
Christian Bible Thumper- You're that Satanist guy! Christianity is the only true religion, accept it or burn in The Pit <dun dun dun>.Don't get any closer or I'll through Holy Water at you!
Me- Ok well I guess I'll be getting to class now.
Christian Bible Thumper throws holy water at me and succeeds in staining my shirt.
I break his arm.

^True story, minus the Holy Water, replaced original liquid with Holy Water for effect^

by H00ker_Hunter April 4, 2006

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