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The word "odep" is pedo spelt backwards. The meaning of the word is someone that goes after children younger than themselves to make friends with them for non-toxic reasons, usually to either help themselves emotionally or the younger person in the situation

Holly: "You're an odep"
James: ";-; I'm not a pedo... I hope you don't think of me that way"
Holly: "No. You're an odep"

by H077y February 11, 2020

6👍 1👎


Stegosanians are the people who follow the Lord Stegosans.

I am a true Stegosanian . I pray to the Lord Stegosans every night.

by H077y April 23, 2020


Half a stegosaurus. Also stegosans's mum.

Drunk guy: Imma see a Stegosus in the sky tonight!

by H077y April 23, 2020


Stegosans is a mix between have a Stegosaurus (Stegosus) and Sans. He's thought to be of as a god with over 50 follows in his cult. He has 2 children, Stegosans Jr. and Stegosans Jr. Leveling

Have you seen the Lord Stegosans today? His son looks nice.

by H077y April 23, 2020


Themeistic means something that follows a specific theme.

How themeistic would I be if it was a military battle ship

by H077y April 18, 2020